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How to Own and Take care


basic principles

In principle is very simple, but not easy as imagined. The most important thing that the owner is “animal lover.”

This is important! If you are one, or from a family that is not an animal lover, maybe I can say it will be difficult. It means “doing more would-have pet wants at home that basically do not particularly like the animal / animals.”

If a house inhabited by some people, there may be among those who do not like pets at home. Well, this is where the job owner how he could overcome differences and also he should be able to socialize about the presence of pets at home.

Pet dog “Golden Retriever” to be free, and to feel at home with all of the residents or family members at home. He should be free, not tied up or locked up, but he may also need to be tied up or locked up just for a few moments. The important thing is do not be caged or tied up all day, because the dog will not be able to flourish.

If you, the employer is not in place, then at least the maid houses (PRT) can also provide food as well as take care of him. Diet should be given regularly and on time. Dogs must be socialized throw dirt on the lawn or outside the home. Again, this is not easy as imagined. There are a variety of hassles to be present to accompany you.

If you still want serious dog “Golden Retriever,” then you should start with the “Basic Principles” above. If not, and still half-hearted, does not proceed well. Because usually the dog will not feel at home, then he would often end up sick and can die quickly.




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Caring for Dogs Golden Retriever

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Impound the dog goldie serves to practicing self-discipline. Basically no matter goldie grounded, especially when no one is watching, so the risk of injury (electrical shock, chemical medicine, swallowing foreign objects) can be minimized.

To avoid boredom and to dog health, at certain hours they get a chance to play in the yard. If the page does not have, at least 1x a day invited to walk out of the house. in addition to sports (goldie and owner), also for socialization to new orang2.

Hair Care

Indeed, the cold temperatures, the hair will be fluffy. Because naturally, the body will adapt to avoid freezing. how to grow and thicken cotton fleece. if in the room without ac, no problem. The important thing is good air circulation and enclosure in dry conditions always. For dog care, every day can be wiped with a chamois cloth to keep moisture and cleaning of dust. Hair growth is also strongly influenced by nutrition (food) and vitamin feathers. So basically do regular dog grooming, dog lovers sometimes partly go to the salon dog to perform maintenance. In the salon where dogs can also add information about pet dogs.


To eat, can provide Dog Food. There are some brands can be used, depending on the needs of the dog. For pregnant and breast-feeding parent, can use super premium dog food premium special-pregnant and lactating mother and the baby.

For dogs within the idle position (not pregnant / lactating, not puppies), can be given their dogfood with grade underneath. Besides being more efficient, as well as needed.

Dogfood dose given depends on the condition of the dog, because they though in every bag of food already stated dose, sometimes not suited to the conditions anjing.Terkadang good dogfood that expensive does not match with a dog digestion, so food is wasted and the growth of the dog being disturbed. Foresight to observe the development of the dog owner and if you have to, try different brands, is indispensable.

How to Take Care Golden Retriever

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Daily Care

Impound the dog goldie serve

To avoid boredom and to dog health, at certain hours they get a chance to play in the yard. If the page does not have, at least 1x a day invited to walk out of the house. in addition to sports (goldie and owner), also for socialization to new orang2.s to practicing self-discipline. Basically no matter goldie grounded, especially when no one is watching, so the risk of injury (electrical shock, chemical medicine, swallowing foreign objects) can be minimized.

Hair Care

Indeed, the cold temperatures, the hair will be fluffy. Because naturally, the body will adapt to avoid freezing. how to grow and thicken cotton fleece. if in the room without ac, no problem. The important thing is good air circulation and enclosure in dry conditions always. For dog care, every day can be wiped with a chamois cloth to keep moisture and cleaning of dust. Hair growth is also strongly influenced by nutrition (food) and vitamin feathers. So basically do regular dog grooming, dog lovers sometimes partly go to the salon dog to perform maintenance. In the salon where dogs can also add information about pet dogs.


To eat, can provide Dog Food. There are some brands can be used, depending on the needs of the dog. For pregnant and breast-feeding parent, can use super premium dog food premium special-pregnant and lactating mother and the baby.

For dogs within the idle position (not pregnant / lactating, not puppies), can be given their dogfood with grade underneath. Besides being more efficient, as well as needed.

Dogfood dose given depends on the condition of the dog, because they though in every bag of food already stated dose, sometimes not suited to the conditions anjing.Terkadang good dogfood that expensive does not match with a dog digestion, so food is wasted and the growth of the dog being disturbed. Foresight to observe the development of the dog owner and if you have to, try different brands, is indispensable.

Find more information about Dog Grooming – Dog Grooming – Cat Care – Grooming Cats – Dogs Salon Jakarta – Dogs – Cats only Dogs & Salon Salon Dog Grooming

Tips on Caring for Children A New Dog Purchased

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Enjoyable moments come when your house is a new arrival family member that is a tiny puppy and cute. All the best things given to him. But a few days later very annoying problem arises your mind. Your beloved puppy will not eat, stress, diarrhea, etc..

To avoid the above, please you follow these tips:

Once you buy a new puppy arrives in the house, put the dog in a quiet place. Do not be invited to play for 2-3 hours in advance. Let him adapt to the new environment.
Do not directly be fed, this is often done by new dog owners. The new puppies arrived at the new house if in good health would immediately eat the food given, although he is still stress. Should be fed 12 hours after she arrived home. Dogs are fed directly by the time he comes it will usually appear a few days later problems, such as hunger strikes.
Give food to taste, do not continue to be fed if a given portion is up. A healthy puppies will definitely spend eating how much else there is to a full stomach. Overeating causes diarrhea.
New dog (regardless of age) should not be bathed or given the vaccination at least 1 week since he came.
The new puppy dog ​​would cry in a few days. When she was crying, so be it. This will take about 2-3 days.
Health check to buy a new dog to the vet

In order for Golden Retriever Fur Stay Beautiful

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Who does not know the type of dog golden retriever? The dog was chosen so that pets have fur color kee-Masan, thick, and long. It is certainly not free from extra care cantiknya.Pecin fur-an-jing ta golden, Danang Siwi Nugraha, explaining the dog’s bathing can prevent from skin disease. Hair growth is also strongly influenced nutritional vitamins fur. So the bottom line is the most important treatment for dogs anjing.Bulu first brushed before bathing. To get rid of all the fluff that ron-tock, if there is tangled or matted hair should be straightened out first. If too matted fur can be cut. Tangled or matted fur that can withstand dirt and used a shampoo that resulted in fur will get tangled and cause skin problems later in life. “Furthermore, the round-eyed dogs bathe in a special place. But if bathed outside the bathroom or open areas like the front page, do not forget to tie it with straps that le-more easily controlled, ”

Wet your dog’s body bit by bit. The head does not need to be soaked first happened because dogs tend to wag ger-right when his head hit the water. At the time of moistened dog muzzle and the head restraints so that he was not free to make a move mengibas.Gunakan dog shampoo that is not too hard and not painful on the eyes. If your dog has skin problems or fleas, use the appropriate shampoo. Could use anti-lice shampoo or shampoo to treat skin problems if the dog is experiencing skin problems. Apply shampoo evenly, starting from the back of the dog’s body to the front. Rub the shampoo lather up the dog’s body, ”

Try to keep the foam shampoo does not get into the ear or to the eye dogs. At the head is recommended at the end of the wash, soaping begins with the body, tail, legs, up to the top of the next dog kepala.Tubuh rinsed and make sure no soap is left behind, as this will cause dandruff in dogs, causing discomfort when the body dog has dried. Next, spread your towel on the dog, and he let his body shook.

If the dog does not wag motion, inflatable ear by loud. Usually this step will make the dog perform the movement. If a dog has fur that is thick, squeeze the bristles of the head first, then to the back, abdomen and feet at the last. “Avoid using dishwashing soap, it is not allowed because it has content that is too harsh for a dog’s skin and can cause skin problems in the future, “the next dog jelasnya.Bulu dikringkan use special blower for dogs. When to use a hairdryer to watch the temperature, because if it is too hot will damage the dog’s skin and fur. Last comb back hair dog so neat. “Giving special nutritional vitamins fur is also recommended, to maintain the health of the hair to grow thick and healthy,”

Tips to Maintain Dog Golden Retriever

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Golden Retriever (Goldie), is a type of dog is very friendly and intelligent to be trained. This type of dog will not hurt its owner. The Goldie is fun to play and really like it when the owner invited him to play.

This type of dog has its main characteristic is the long hair and golden. Therefore the owner of Goldie should pay attention to hygiene and health was fur Goldie order not to fall out. Because of the dog’s hair loss problem is quite difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is better prevention efforts so that your pet fur Goldie was not until the fall.

Tips on caring for fur Goldie following:
1. Goldie Bathe your dog with a special shampoo that contains a gentle cleanser.
2. Dry your hair with a hairdryer Goldie, not too hot, try a safe distance of 20 cm from the surface of the hair.
3. Comb hair with a special comb Goldie, so neat and not matted fur, so the risk of loss due to tangles can be minimized.
4. Familiarize Goldie invite you to play, because the play then your dog will feel happy so do not stress. Stress is also one of the factors causing the collapse of dog fur.
5. Do not give your dog food on the salty
6. Always put your dog in a cool, because fur Goldie is not resistant to hot air
7. Give foods that contain protein and when to give your dog dog food try with a balanced nutrient content

However, if the dog’s fur was already experiencing kerontokkan, then the following tips can be performed:
1. Bathed with special shampoo
2. Avoid giving salty food
3. Note the intake of nutrients in your dog’s food
3. Comb with a special comb (used to accelerate the phase kerontokkan fur)
4. Place in a place that is cool
5. Always invited to play in the afternoon

Denfgan playing with its owner, then goldie will feel happy and not stressed. Thus kerontokkan can diminalisir fur. In addition to playing then your dog will be trained to be more intelligent dog. Because Goldie is basically a type of dog is intelligent and easily trained.

Thus various care tips for your pet dog (Golden Retriever), good treatment can improve all grace this breed.
Surely everyone has wanted a pet healthy and well maintained ..

Good Luck!!!

My Golden Pet

My Golden Pet