Author Archives: darwinamreza

How To Deal With A Naughty Golden Dogs



There are several reasons a dog to be naughty, but mostly because:
1. Bored.
2. Excess energy.

Especially for golden dog you have, please remember that the name stands for is a Golden Retreiver. Golden Retreiver name behind the name indicates the general nature of these dogs that love to play ‘retreiving’ … aka we throw things, she ran to pick up the goods.

Main retrieving is very good, because it makes the dog to be fun while exercising so that the energy from the food can burn. Main + / – 30 min. Easy, just buy a tennis ball at Gramedia bookstore, buy it the unit, the price is cheap, less than Rp. 5000/bola.

Make sure when playing the ball, the dog is in a safe area, in the sense that there is a fence. Do not play in front of the house, even the dog later blurred and lying on the asphalt.

Occasionally take your dog on foot, in order to create a good bonding. Birds have to fly, fish have to swim, dogs have to walk. Use the chain of life, the position of the dog on the left side, not in front.

About love water play, maybe he’s hot. GR Anjng thick fur, Indonesian tropical climate … we have often overheated, especially dogs GR. Give him shelter, provide clean drinking water always. Do not have a means for you to play GR dog water, such as buckets, pools etc should be eliminated.

Lying on the asphalt could be because you’re sunbathing GR dog. Although they often overheated, but has become instinct for sunbathing, turning malas2xan. Sun bathing well for dogs. If you do not like, give him time to bask in the morning, then play in the afternoon.

You can eat at the time you specify, do not let any food that can be taken casually by your dog. If he did wrong, immediately scolds, say NO, emphatically. GR dog is a dog is intelligent and easily trained. With patience, diligence and compassion … all so maybe!!!

May be useful.

Hematoma In Dogs Ear

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Hematoma on dog ears or a medical term called auricular hematoma is a condition where there is a collection of blood and fluid between the skin and cartilage from the ears of dogs. This is because the blood vessels so that blood in the ear broke loose will fill the space under the skin of the ear. This gives rise to swelling of the ear so that the dog will feel pain, for it to be done with proper treatment. If not treated immediately it will cause tissue damage by forming scar tissue and will cause permanent ear abnormalities.

The Dogs At Risk for Ear Hematoma

Ear hematoma in dogs can attack in all ages, both young and old or older.
Types of dogs are often attacked is the kind of dogs that have floppy ears like a Golden Retriever and a Labrador Retriever.
Dogs infected with chronic ear disease, the ear mites or any allergies that cause itchy ears, has a great risk of the occurrence of hematoma in dogs ear. This is because the dog will mengaruk-scratching ears and shook his head and ears can cause blood vessel rupture.

Hematoma In Dogs Ear Treatment
The main thing to do is to look for the cause of the dog’s ear hematoma, may be caused by mites or any allergies by something or the other substances. Having diagnosed the cause is unknown and do therapy. Because if this is not done then the dog’s ear hematoma treatment would be worth it, the dog will mengaruk-ngaruk again and will cause blood vessels to rupture ears back.
Once the cause is known then the second step is surgery of the skin affected ear hematoma, and then clean the blood and fluid that collects in the ear with a cotton swab that has been given a clean antiseptic rivanol, give antibiotic powder and sprinkle it over the wound hematoma and give 10% iodine tincture , then suture the incision wound.
For post-surgical care, every morning and evening dog ears should be monitored progress against the possibility of infection or myasis fly larvae. Diclopention drug use as a spray to avoid injury myasis on highly recommended.
If the hematoma is small then the most appropriate treatment is removing enough fluid and the blood with a syringe, no need ear surgery.

Dogs Need Sports


Not only human beings who need sports, but dogs “Golden Retriever” is also necessary sports. He was happy to run around if accompanied by her employer. Give it a chance to get to know the natural environment around the house, it means the dog is not always locked up at home.

First, familiarize first walk with the dog tied up by the employer. Lead all corners of the dog and let him kiss all angles and places that the environment can be recognized by it. If the roads every day, and covers all parts of the complex, then he would have been able to recognize the complex well.

Secondly, if the owner has the confidence to let go, meaning walk while the dog is released, then try it was done. However, if the owner has not PD, it is advisable to bring a leash at any time if the dog needs to be tied. When employers walking, fast walking is recommended that dog owners are not rolling anywhere but he still looking majikannnya.

Third, if the dog is already accustomed to off, then the employer try to ride a bike and see the development of the dog whether he’ll run to follow the employer or she is still wild (not tame).

Do not Lose Your Dog Eat These Foods!


images (2)Some foods commonly consumed by humans, or even other animal species, it could be disastrous for your beloved pet dog. All because the dog’s metabolic system is not the same as humans and most other species of animals.

Some foods are forbidden it may only cause mild indigestion. However, there are also foods that can cause severe illness, and even death. As a dog lover and guardian, you must know what foods are allowed to eat, and what foods should always be kept away from your pet dog feeding bowls.

Here we list the list of common foods that should not be eaten (either intentionally or unintentionally) to dogs. In the list, we also state the reason why your dog should avoid these foods.

Food to Avoid

Disorders / Diseases Brought

Alcoholic beverages can cause hangover, coma, and even death
Avocado leaves, seeds, avocado pulp and skin contains a substance called persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea
Fish bones and chicken bones can cause clogged or injury to the body’s digestive system
Generally, cat food, cat food containing protein and fat are too high for dogs
Chocolate, coffee, tea and foods / drinks containing caffeine content of caffeine, theobromine or theophylline can cause vomiting and diarrhea, as well as liver toxicity and nervous system
Citrus oil extract (citrus oil extract) can cause vomiting
Fish (either raw, canned or already processed) If eaten exclusively or in large quantities, can cause deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B) which in turn causes loss of appetite, seizures and, in severe cases, can lead to death
Grapes and raisins Contain kind of toxin that can cause kidney damage
Vitamin supplements for humans containing iron Can damage the digestive system tissue, and also dangerous for some other organs, such as liver and kidney
Contains macadamia nut type of toxin which can affect the digestive and nervous systems, as well as the muscles of the body of the dog
Marijuana and other drug types to weaken the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in heart rate
Milk and other dairy products Some adult dogs were reported to have diarrhea after consuming dairy products in large quantities
The food was stale, moldy or otherwise obtained from the bin contains various types of toxins that can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and can also affect other body organs
Contains mushroom toxin that can affect multiple body systems, causing trauma and can lead to fatal
Onions and garlic (both raw, processed or in powder) Contain sulfoxides and disulfides which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Garlic tends to be more secure when compared with onions
Persimmon seeds can cause stomach hurt
Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin which can reduce the absorption of biotin (vitamin B), thus causing the skin and fur problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella bacteria
Raw meat could be contaminated with salmonella and E. coli, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea
If salt is consumed in large quantities can cause electrolyte imbalance
Foods that contain lots of sugar can lead to obesity, tooth decay and increase the risk of diabetes mellitus
Tobacco contains nicotine which affects the digestive and nervous systems, resulting in a very fast heart rate, fainting, coma and even lead to fatal
Artificial sweeteners can cause blood sugar levels decreased dramatically (hypoglycemia), which can lead to vomiting, body weak and faint. In high doses can cause liver failure.
Other than the above, there are many other foods that abstinence consumed your pet dog. Therefore, you should frequently consult with your veterinarian or colleagues who also have a dog, or visit our website to get the latest information about dog care.

Mineral Deficiency Disease In Dogs



golden_retriever_puppies-12911Pet dog or pet would be very nice if the dog is healthy and to be qualified, the ideal can be grown in accordance with the age and type. Although maintenance of dogs including simple and not difficult, there are still many dogs that are kept less healthy, even sickly skinny so it felt less maintenance dog groomed.

To be able to grow with both the pet dog requires a diet and contain protein, vitamins and minerals. Elements of nutritional deficiencies in your diet will certainly lead to rapid dogs suffering from pain and abnormalities in development.

This time the extent to which this paper peeling role in the development of mineral dogs, and what happens if the dogs or that we keep in the house had a mineral deficiency.
Minerals in the diet would have a very important role in supporting the growth and also plays a role in determining the health of a pet dog as derivatives if we keep the mother dog and intend mengembangbiakkannya. Because the minerals in the food an absolute must have, especially at certain times of increased need, such as infancy, pregnancy and when breastfeeding her parents.

Well, if the mineral elements in the diet is given less then consequently the growth of the dog becomes distracted, the dog had dwarfism, abnormal bone growth or bent, even a dog can have permanent paralysis.

Based on the function, the minerals can be divided into 2 types, namely:
1. Macro-minerals. This mineral functions as a state of acid-base balance, regulating body fluids and affect the permeability of the cell membrane causes antarintrasel and extracellular potential difference, so biolistrik processes running smoothly. Included in the macro-minerals are: Ca, P, Na, and Cl.
2. Micro-minerals (trace minerals), so called because of the amount required to be expressed in ppm (percent per million). This micro-mineral functions as a trigger and the development of substances such as enzyme reactions, iodine for thyroid hormone, in the context of the formation of hemoglobin Fe, Co (Cobalt) for the formation of vitamin B 12, and others.

Macro and micro minerals are bound to one another in a configuration such that the presence of minerals that may affect the presence of other minerals. For example, it would eliminate the increased Ca P (phosphorus). Often this is because most of the minerals Ca would cause skeletal malformations in the bones like Osteochondroitis Dessicans (OCD), spondylo-Cervical myelopathy, and hip dysplasia.

The addition of Ca would also disrupt the balance of other minerals, namely P, Zn, Fe, Cu and Ca which can menyebabkangastric bloat.
Mineral Mg (magnesium) is important in the diet of adult animals, because Mg alleged role in causing disease on lower urinary apparatus. Excess Mg and urine acid-base state suspected as a trigger formation of struvite urolithiasis (magnesium ammonium phosphate).

Minerals are essential and required by dogs is:
1. Calcium
2. Phosphorous (P)
3. Copper (Cuprum) or Cu
4. Iodine (I)
5. Ferrum / Iron (Fe)
6. Magnesium (Mg)
7. Manganese (Mn)
8. Zinc (Zn)

If some of the above minerals are lacking in dog food, then it can result in a deficiency of minerals and will affect the state of the dog. Here are some abnormalities that can be caused due to deficiency of minerals above:

Calcium (Ca)
Calcium deficiency can result in:
a. Dogs infancy:
– Impaired bone growth
– The long bones grow crooked (toe shape X or O)
– Thickening of the ends of long bones and deformed shape typically seen on the front legs and ribs.
b. In adult dogs:
– Softening of the long bones that break easily.
– Paralysis of the hind legs.
– Can lead to death.
c. In dogs during lactation
– Early symptoms are gemetat and seizures, panting, tired, salivation and bulging eyes.
– Body temperature rose / rose.
– Genesis which will weight the dog will fall by the position of the body with the legs look stiff and shaking. When you fall down and not immediately treated the dog can die in a short time later.

Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus deficiency can result in:
a. At puppy:
– Impaired bone growth or known as rickets.
– Abnormal growth of long bones are marked with bent legs, irregular bone joints, there are bumps on the ribs.
– Joints become stiff and weak muscles.
– Adult Sexual late, followed by a late first marriage.

Symptoms similar to phosphorus deficiency symptoms of calcium deficiency. Usually when there is a deficiency of calcium, there will be shortage of phosphorus as well.
b. In adult dogs
– The bones porous, soft and easily broken or known as osteomalacia / osteoporosis.
– Impaired fertility rate / decrease, often fail bunting in severe cases can even lead to infertility.
Often weird habits revealed by phosphorus-deficient dogs are:
1. Often eat grass.
2. Biting the cage wall.
3. Sometimes eat soil and followed by vomiting.

Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium deficiency can result in:
– Growth distracted and lack of appetite
– Bone growth is not perfect, there are lumps on joints.
– Legs weak, not the normal and abnormal foot position.
– The hind legs on the ground menelapak limited joints.
– Muscle disorders, trembling, staggering, convulsions and easily startled.

Lack of iron can lead to:
– Thin, frail, pale, lethargic and anemia (lack of blood).
– Breath rather quickly, decreased appetite, impaired growth (dwarf).
– Feet cold, susceptible to disease, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea.
– In pregnant dogs, children born of weakness, skin wrinkle puppies were born in a state or death.

Manganese deficiency can result in:
– Impaired bone growth in foot position is not normal, especially with the rear foot slightly angled position
– Interference occurs in adult dogs ovulation (release of eggs) resulting in impaired fertility
– Great manganese deficiency in male and female dogs can cause sterility (sterile)
– On a pregnant dog will be interference with the growth of the embryo, often give birth prematurely or pregnancy will disappear altogether before until delivery (fetal diresorbsi back)

Copper deficiency can result in:
– Impaired bone growth, bone length will be shorter (do not grow normally, often bone growth stops), bad fur.
– Adult dogs looked lethargic, pale, weak, easily tired, shaky, poor hair growth, dull, easy loss, anemia.
– Parent bunting will give birth to children who are weak, limp legs stand strong and not normal.
– There was diarrhea.

This deficiency can lead to:
– Growth disturbed
– Thin, an interruption in the skin, redness, itching, skin thickening, crusty joint area, easy hair loss and wounds are difficult to treat.

This mineral has an important role in the metabolism of the body. Iodine is necessary hormones produced in the thyroid gland to stimulate the body’s metabolism.
Iodine deficiency can result in:
– The low production of thyroid hormones on, swollen adenoids.
– Reproductive disorders in adult dogs.
– Impaired growth in young dogs / puppies.
– Children who are born in a state dog is dead or deformed.

My Golden Pet

My Golden Pet